Registration: Please follow the instructions on the registration page to register for class. There is a registration fee of $20/dancer or $35/family. This fee may be paid via Venmo @Jasmine-Crosby or with cash or check (written to Jasmine Crosby).
Tuition: Tuition is due on the first class of the semester, or the first class of each month. Tuition may be paid by cash, check (checks to Jasmine Crosby) or Venmo (@Jasmine-Crosby). Tuition rates can be found on the “classes” page. Tuition is based on the number of class in each semester, not by how many classes are in each month. For this reason, fall and winter/spring semester monthly rates are slightly different.
Performance Fees: A performance fee of $45/dancer is due on February 1st. This fee goes directly to costumes, facilities rental and special event insurance. Families may be asked to provide a pair of footless tights, in addition to the costume fee.
Attendance: No refunds will be given for missed classes, unless I need to cancel a class due to personal or family emergency or illness. If I need to cancel a class, a make-up day or refund will be provided.
Dress for class: Girls are expected to wear a full-body leotard (any color) with Footless tights, leggings or dance shorts. Preschool age dancers do not need to wear tights, unless they wish to do so. Dancers may wear skirted leotards, or a skirt over their leotard, if desired. We dance barefoot, so no dance shoes are necessary. Hair should be pulled back for class. Boys should wear black or grey athletic shorts or pants (above the ankle) and a solid-colored t-shirt of any color. I recommend that you set aside boys’ dance clothing as something special for dance class, verses something they just wear every day. It helps set the right mindset for class.
Pick-up/ Drop-off: Dancers will enter through my front door. There will be a sign posted on the door 3-5 minutes before class. Dancers are welcome to enter as soon as the sign has been posted. If your dancer attends a class that directly follows after another class, please wait until at least 5 minutes before your dancer’s class time to send them into the studio. This allows me time to reset the studio between classes. Dancers are expected to quietly enter and go directly downstairs to the studio. At the end of class we will gather our things together, and I will escort dancers upstairs to meet you. Please be on time to pick up your dancer.
Parents: In general, parents are asked NOT to stay and watch during class, except by special invitation or unless teacher permission has been given for special circumstances. I have limited space, and this policy also minimizes distractions and contributes to an optimal learning experience for the dancers. While this is my general rule, I understand that some of our little ones may need mom to stay until they feel comfortable on their own. If this is the case for your dancer, please let me know and I am happy to work with you and your dancer until they are able to come to class independently.
Parking/Car-drop off and pick up: You are welcome to park in my driveway, or on the west side of my driveway. If there is not room to do so or you prefer to park on the street, please find a way to circle around on Horizon Drive, so that the traffic in and out of the studio flows to the East. Should you need to park on the opposite side of the street, I ask that you walk your dancer across the street to/from your vehicle. Safety of all dancers is top priority.
Food/Water: Please do not send your dancer with food or gum into the studio. Dancers may bring a water bottle if desired.
Behavior Expectations: It is expected that dancers will stay in the dance room (with the exception of needing to use the restroom) during class time. Dancers are expected to be respectful of their peers, keeping hands to themselves and speaking/acting kindly to one another. Of course, I understand that young children are learning (and we develop many of these skills in class, too!). I don't mind giving occasional reminders. However, if a dancer requires continuous assistance to follow the class rules, or is repetitively distracting the class, the dancer may be placed on probation. This is in the best interest of the class as a whole. I am willing to work with individual dancers and families, within my capacity to do so. However, all the students in my classes need my guidance and instruction, and I cannot sacrifice the class as a whole to continuously keep one child on task.
Potty-Training: Dancers must be potty-trained or wear a pull-up to class to participate. Dancers must be able to use the bathroom independently. I cannot help dancers in the bathroom. This might mean a little bit of practice at home, as dance clothes can be a bit tricky to get on and off for younger children. I HIGHLY recommend having your dancer use the bathroom at home before class to avoid this all together.
Recital: We hold a spring recital every year. All dancers are encouraged to participate. Our recitals will follow a storyline or theme, and dancers will play an integral part in the choreography and development of their class dance. More information about the recital will be sent to registered families later this year.